A great resource about how one couple uses the Gottman resource Aftermath of a Fight in real life. Reach out and schedule a session if you could use some help or resources like the one mentioned here.
Females and Frenemies
An interesting article about the socialization of females and the rise of frenemies.
36 Questions to Ask Your Spouse
A key to falling in love again...
An Affair Doesn't Have to Mean the End of A Marriage →
An excellent article about the other side of an affair.
We Marry the Wrong Person
An impressive New York Times piece on modern marriage and the reality that many people may not need to divorce.
Small Talk v. Intimacy
So how do you spend the (sometimes small) amount of time you have to talk to your partner? Do you promote connection or do you talk past each other? The difference may not be as obvious as you would think.
Take a Vacation
Taking a vacation is not always a viable option for couples. The extra time we spend together may be the first thing that goes in a marriage. What you can do to make your marriage work:
Which Areas Do You Work On?
Being in a marriage can be difficult territory, especially if you don't know what your fights mean. The Gottmans have narrowed down the top 6 fights that all married couples have, and the areas of work needed as a result.
Same Sex Couples and Lessons to Learn About Emotional Intelligence
Same sex couples' successes and failures were studied alongside straight couples', and the bottom line is that same sex couples tend to operate from a healthier set of principles.
Emotional intelligence appears to be higher in same sex couples, where hostile and controlling emotional tactics were fewer. Humor and positive perspective were more often used to start disagreements, and disagreements were more easily forgotten when done. The research goes on to show the differences in lesbian couples' and gay couples' argument patterns, likely a result of gender socialization.